Monday, March 22, 2010


I had a golden retriever named Milly for nine years and two weeks ago she had to be put a sleep because they found a tumor in her stomach. When I found out about I was in shock and upset. I had seen her three weeks before that and I laid on the floor and brushed her and and she had been perfectly fine. I guess what upset me the most is it just happened all at once and within two days of being sick she had suffered so much she had to be put to sleep. I know look back on it and I imagine she is in heaven with my grandmother and they are both happy and she's playing catch with Milly.

Seattle or Rock On The Range Concert

In May I have been invited to go to Seattle with my aunt, uncle, and cousin from May 19-24. I also had told my fiance that I would go with him to a concert called Rock On The Range which is rock and heavy metal. I know some of the bands that are going to be there but I'm not that familular with the music. I think it would be fun to have that experience and to be able to enjoy it with him but my aunt wants me to go to Seattle as a vacation for graduation even though I have already been there once but it is beautiful and theres lots to see.